Notes in 9: Docker + SonarQube

February 24, 2016


I'm on Notes in 9 again. This time, I'm back with an introduction to general use of SonarQube, a great tool for code quality checking and coverage reporting which Christian Güdemann talked about in his IBM Connect session. Christian's got a passion lately for automation and continuous deployment, so you may wish to watch his blog for further developments, especially with the great advances going on with OpenNTF. The best part is that SonarQube pairs well with Docker, which you may have heard of if you haven't been living in a cave for the last year or more.

The Video

Head over to Notes in to check it out, or watch it embedded here or on YouTube.


I may have been a crazy person after not blogging much for a little while, so stay tuned for more on the blog and another Notes in 9 is on its way; my promised highlights of my IBM Connect session. There are lots of great things going on in the development and XPages spaces, so everyone hold on tight, it could get a little bumpy.

my profile image, as pulled from gravatar
Software Developer, Master of the Arcane. OIF veteran, former IBM Champion.